Anonymous asked: How will you expand Phoebe's powers? She's the only sister for some reason to always have the most limits to her powers.
Anonymous asked: Will we see them individually or collectively bonding with Prue? For a sister they've mourned for years, we didn't really see any bonding moments from them.
Anonymous asked: Hi Pat! Im from Chile, I have some questions to you about Charmed :) - Can be Prue visited in the nexus by her sisters? any chance she use their astral projection to visit the manor? I really enjoy the storylines where Prue live a new life in the real word because in the series (first three seasons) she really wanted be a great witch but live a life too. Thaks for your time! (sorry for my english) :)
@PatShand: Cole is the most fun to write when he's being a complete dick. X
@PatShand oh no... ha ha
@Phoebe1_ Not to Phoebe!
@PatShand: As character-driven as #CharmedSeason10 is going to be, this is the most heavily I've ever plotted something. X
Sometimes, Robyn Hood is damn near freestyle because of its strong emphasis on character and dialogue. X
And the plots for Grimm Fairy Tales are more straight forward to accommodate the huge cast and concentration on visuals. X
But with Charmed, each page is doing something very, very specific. Scripting Charmed is akin to putting together a puzzle. X
Piece by piece, sometimes out of traditional order. X
Anonymous asked: Hi Pat! I'm so exited for Charmed Season 10!! And I have lot of questions.. Just like: will we learn more about Cole's family? Will see more of Tyler? Penny and Patty know about Prue's new life?
Anonymous asked: Which is your favorite Charmed power?
Anonymous asked: Hi Pat, how does Charmed cupids know so much about people they have just met, are they both empathic and telepathic or does the ring act as a informational source?
Anonymous asked: Hello Pat, is it in your plans to use Charon the soul collector? she sounds so promising that it's a shame the writers never used her for a bigger story arc :(
Anonymous asked: Hi, I've a little question about charmed season 10: are we get to know something more Phoebe's third child? ps, sorry for my english but i'm a belgian fan :)
Anonymous asked: Totally hypothetical... if you were to write a story about one of the Halliwell's relatives/ancestors: Patty, Grams, Melinda etc. Who's story would you be most interested in delving into?
What, no, writing the end of Charmed #3 made YOU cry. X
@Kostaszomgas: @PatShand are we to prepare for incoming feels?
@Kostaszomgas Not in the way I think anyone is expecting -- LEAST OF ALL ME -- but mabes.
@12BarAcidBlues: I was wondering @paulruditis...Will Patience look the same as we left her in S9? #CMD X@paulruditis: @12BarAcidBlues No. She'll have different tattoos on her arm.
Anonymous asked: Hi pat! can we hope for Billie to return? Sha has redeem herself and her friendship with the sisters was a good thing in my opinion. Sure the character was not always good written but she was still cool and interesting. It's sad that her bond with the sisters was not included in season 9, except for one panel, especially when we know that in the future she'll be "part" of the family.
Anonymous asked: hello Pat, I saw your post on twitter about people who discriminate others, and i was wondering if you would consider including one day a gay character in the Charmed universe?
Anonymous asked: Hi Elisa. Which issue of Charmed are you working on now? Can you share the pencils of the charmed 1 preview that has been shown? The likeness of the characters look very good!
Anonymous asked: Which Halliwell sister is the hardest to draw and which is the easiest in your opinion?
Anonymous asked: Hi Pat! I'm so exited for Charmed Season 10!! And I have lot of questions.. Just like: will we learn more about Cole's family? Will see more of Tyler? Penny and Patty know about Prue's new life?
Pat Shand: The cover for CHARMED: SEASON TEN #3 is one of my favorite covers for anything I've written, ever. @seidmanart is bringing the A-game. X
David Seidman: @PatShand Thanks! It's honestly one of my favorites as well. Can't wait
to show it off. X
@NathanJenkins4: @PatShand @seidmanart Oooh I wonder which character(s) will be on it :) X
Pat Shand: @NathanJenkins4 @seidmanart Paige! X
Below is a new Season 10 ad found in Grimm Fairy Tales #101 by StoryGirl83
This may be site redesign number 45298474.5. Hope you like it!
Low level demons have never been a threat to the Charmed Ones... until now. When Fritz and Valen, a pair of demons that has been secretly observing the sisters, get their hands on a weapon capable of destroying souls, the Halliwells will face their most dangerous foes yet.
Also leprechauns!
Pat Shand: